Sujata Malik
Sunburst Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., India
Title: Healthcare digitization: Transforming and disrupting healthcare
Biography: Sujata Malik
The use of technology in many parts of the world has been limited to use for administrative purposes, with Hospital Information Management Systems (HIMS) of all hues and calibers, being used by hospitals. Availability and use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) are still very fragmented and not universally deployed in many countries. Access and adoption of technology for healthcare is lagging as compared to other industries. There are gaps in generation of epidemiological data in the developed world. Access to healthcare is a problem for rural and vulnerable sections of society in developing countries. There is an apparent demand-supply gap in availability of specialty and super-specialty healthcare experts. Quality in healthcare needs to be boosted through efficient use of technology to enable realistic bench-marking. Standardization and data security have been an issue in all developing countries and to an extent in the developed world as well. New possibilities are emerging through use of digital technologies in healthcare. Big data analytics and machine learning help in developing algorithms of care and providing standardized care globally. Planning of healthcare through predictive analytics is poised to enable efficient deployment of resources. Personalized healthcare is becoming a reality. Remote monitoring through wearable and interoperable devices will revolutionize access to high quality care. Cost of healthcare will also come down. Collection of healthcare quality data can be automated, making bench-marking of healthcare organizations a reality, through measurement of resources, processes and outcomes. Block-chain technologies can bring new transparency into the system. Finally, the patient will have control over how he chooses and accesses healthcare. Policy-makers, providers and users will make informed decisions.